Growing Season

Above average rainfall through to mid December had us a little concerned about disease pressure but then like in the previous season the rain virtually disappeared through to harvest. Moderate maximum temperatures were coupled with some very cool nights with the wind machines busy in the spring and then coming on one morning in January and further times at harvest. Yields were close to our average and with beautiful autumnal conditions perfect for ripening/flavour development we are super excited about the wines.


Harvest was spread over a four week period with the first pick on the 17th March and the last on the 13th April. By variety was as below.

Chardonnay: 25th March to the 6th April

Chenin Blanc: 29th March to the 13th April

Pinot Noir: 17th March to the 9th April

  • Jeremy Hyland - Vigneron at The Wrekin Vineyard

    Jeremy Hyland

  • Hätsch Kalberer - Winemaker at The Wrekin Vineyard

    Hätsch Kalberer

  • Harvest crew

    • Alberto
    • Andrew Johns
    • Audrey
    • Charlie
    • Davide
    • Jan Johns
    • Jeremy Hyland
    • Josephine
    • Giovanni
    • Lorenzo
    • Maël
    • Marcus
    • Margaux Demalle
    • Margaux Ramet
